As It Was

Straight out of the phone camera. The morning started with a downpour, fog and very mild temperatures for January 11th, 61F.   It climbed to 71 by noon.  So warm that the Maserati in Extras was parked at the market with the top down.  This is not normal.  Made me wonder if the car is usually in the garage in January.  Anyway by the end of the day, the temperature was starting it's downward spiral and it's now 44F.  It will go down about another 10 degrees in the next couple of hours.  We had a few errands to do, including buying a new wireless printer, and we weren't alone.  Buying the printer was a confusing experience, comparing and looking for all the features that were important, mainly good photo printing quality, comparing with the reviews on Amazon.  Thank goodness for the Best Buy Geek who told us that unless we wanted to spend a lot of money and it was for daily use, go with the ones under $100.  That certainly made it easier to decide.

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