Through the square window...
Loved the shadows of the leaves through the pool shower room window this morning (late morning. I had a lie in in lieu of the fact I will be up at 6am for the rest of the week) so snap and my blip was in the bag.
It's been a productive day here.
Over the past week there has been whole host of clear outs. The boot room, the utility room, the hall cupboard...David has been on a roll! The day before yesterday he cleared out his wardrobe and bags of clothes of his that were in his ironing pile* in the linen cupboard (he figured they'd been in the ironing pile so long, he'd not miss them, and he was right. After a quick rummage, apart from three very lovely shirts he'd forgotten he had, the rest were put into bin bags to be distributed to the tip, the clothes re-cycling bin or the charity shop, depending on their condition.)
With that done, it was time to turn our attention to the linen cupboard.
Being an old Victorian house, we are fortunate that it has lots of cupboard space. At the top of the stairs there's a walk in linen cupboard and despite being shelved on both sides, it had become a bit of a disaster. The kind of open-door-lean-in-and-hope-what-you-are-looking-for-is-near-the-front kind of disaster!
D emptied all the contents of the cupboard into our bedroom. It looked as though there had been an earthquake in a bedding, bath and dining shop! Duvet covers, pillowcases, sheets, towels, throws cushions, cushion covers, table cloths, table runners, napkins...piled high!
I am terrible for hanging on to such things when we move on to new ones as there's usually nothing wrong with the old ones, it's just we've redecorated and they no longer match. I feel it's such a waste to throw them away so I hang onto them just in case....just in case of what I'm not sure.
Well that stopped today. I was completely ruthless. ALL the old duvet sets, towels and table cloths have been removed (why I felt the need to hang onto table linen for a round table when we no longer have a round table is beyond me!) and apart from a small collection of emergency towels (for unexpected water leaks or freezer defrosting) the rest have been binned. The linen cupboard is now a tidy and well organised space with everything to hand and get can actually walk right into it now! Woo hoo!
On other news, the metal fish wall art that I ordered for our bedroom a few weeks ago arrived the other day. We opened it this evening and it's enormous! I think we will put it on the wall above our bed, my only slight hesitation is David's DIY skills in doing this as should it fall off the wall, I fear we shall be decapitated immediately, or at the very least, pinned to the bed till we waste away to dust. Hmmmmm.....
*I feel compelled to point out that David does his own ironing so the fact the pile had been lying so long was not my fault. As every one here knows I adore ironing and my pile is always up to date...who's that coughing at the back?!!!
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