
By SmileyCharlie

Sundown at Odeonsplatz

GWOTD: Sonnenuntergang

Morning: Cleaning the flat. Bit of work on my proposal.
Afternoon: Mooch around the English Garden with Clara and Antony. Kaffee und Kurbis Suppe. This was Odeonsplatz at sunset!
Evening: Rory and Theo will arrive tonight! I am currently preparing two enormous Spanish tortillas (courtesy of Jacque's amazing recipe). My sous-chefs Chris and Lucia have been diligently potato peeling and chopping. 

Jacque's tortilla:
Thin (3mm) slices of potatoes, boiled fully in a saucepan of oil. You can reuse the oil every time you make it if you pour it back into a jar. Take the cooked potato out with a strainer spoon to retain oil in the saucepan, and pile the potato up on a colander over another pan to collect yet more oil. Then soak the potato in a big bowl of whisked egg. The comes the tortilla, which just requires a flat pan to cook this potato-ey egg mix. Yum!

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