A Spring Smile ...

I woke this morning feeling a little better but still tired and my knee is hurting slightly, but I have to get on with my day, as this illness isnt going to beat me (but it may hurt me at times).

I have been trying to find a image for this months Fujifilm Competition the theme this month is Country Life, so I asked Eric if he would take me for a little drive to see if I could see any sheep or other farm animals he said he would which I was a little surpised about as he doesnt like me going far when I have had a couple of bad days.

Anyway we found this farmland and I saw some cows in a shed, we asked the farmer if we could take some photographs of his farm animals he said I was more than pleased to take photographs. He was such a nice farmer, there was also a lady there who works for the farmer she told Eric and I that they had delivered over 400 lambs when it was snowing and they were born earlier this year.

I took lots of photographs but I really like this ram he looked like he had a lovely smile on his face.

Thankyou for taking me out Eric, I really enjoyed myself

Loves Ya Loads

Tracey xxx

Thankyou all for you Get Well Wishes yesterday.

Tracey xxx

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