Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Feathered dinosaur

As you probably know, I'm fond of blackbirds, expecially the wonderfully maternal, softly clucking Mrs BB.  But today I was amused to get this shot of her looking very predatory and quite definitely showing her ancestry.  Assuming this last was some sort of line back to pterodactyls, I decided to look it up.  Here is what the National Geographic website had to say:

... many scientists now believe that modern birds are living dinosaurs. Specifically, a group of two-legged carnivorous dinosaurs called theropods seems to have evaded the great dino extinction event  65 million years ago by developing feathers, bigger and more adaptable brains, and smaller, more airborne forms.

Not pterodactyls at all. 

You could, as they say, have knocked me down with a feather!

It's been a beautiful day and when I got home I actually did some gardening - a thing unheard of for me in January.  I don't think I will be doing anything much for the rest of the day, though.  Feet up time ;))

Hope the weekend's being kind to you  xx

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