Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Fate is in the cards

Although his case was mild, the paediatrician agreed to snip our wee man's frenulum and ease his tongue tie. He was naturally a little upset during the visit but the doctor assured us that the pain would be no worse than a vaccination.

It's perhaps a little early to tell but the first couple of feeds have seemed more effective. Once he settles down, I'm sure he'll have an easier time feeding.

Thanks to the health visitor for sneaking us in at short notice. We've been very fortunate with all the help we've had so far (and that includes people on here). Thank you.

Instead of posting a picture of a rather disgruntled baby, I thought it best to pose a different question instead... When is it appropriate to take down the celebratory birthday cards for a newborn? Like Ernie, they're starting to feel like they belong.

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