Sugiyama Drugstore

Passion Pit - The Reeling (Calvin Harris Remix)

Although it is seemingly rather pretentious to mention Shakespeare within the same breath as love, I would rather admit to a genuine love then to slide within an empty miasma of pretention.

I saw Ralph Fiennes' directorial version of Corialanus for the first time last night, and although I am not privvy to the awareness of this play before having seen it, I was wrought with pleasurable rapture in the density of old English prose and modern cinematic language. I feign all claims of doubt in my use of the subjunctive or my seemingly empty devotion to my own feelings, but that's just the way it is. I genuinely enjoy Shakespeare. Were I not to be writing now, I would neither be here nor existing. It's great luck and fortune to be here now, as are you, to which I am thankful.

As you can see, I'm now inspired, or much more accurately, living under the guise of supposed greatness to be writing the way I wish to at this moment. Oh well, it will pass as will your gaze upon this entry to another and into the forgotten.

To suit those who are disgusted by such empty poppycock, please allow me to bare one last fruit of consumable dialogue.

It's been a bloody sh*tty week and spent a tonne on useless time and garbage. Thems the breaks. Have a ripper weekend you lot!

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