Come into the Garden

By aprecious


Yes, Pud, I understand that resources are limited.

Yes. I understand about sharing.

And austerity. Austerity seems to mean people dogs who don't have anything very much have to give up a bit of what they have got to make what little there is go a bit further. Apparently we all have to suffer. Would you like a dog treat? That's fine. Help yourself.

It's like if I have a pie that I would normally cut into six I have to try and cut it into seven. I understand that about pies. Not that I eat pies. And if I got the chance, I'd probably just eat the whole thing in one mouthful, or two. And because I would be so excited about finding a pie, I would probably wolf it down before I remembered about sharing.

And horse poo. I ate a lot of that on my walk and I wouldn't have minded sharing. It was very good horse poo. It was frozen.

So you see I understand about all of that sharing stuff and stretching resources out. You know, share and share alike and all that stuff. I am a good doggy citizen.

I believe in sharing even if I am a bit rubbish at actually doing it.

But I cannot believe, under any circumstances, that I have to share this ball. It's mine. All mine. And you, Pudding Cat Breath of the Stinky Bottom, are not having it. Not now. Not ever.

I hope that's clear?

Freedom has turned me into something slightly mad slightly madder than normal.

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