
By Cumbrialass

Vets, jabs and tablets

Not the most relaxing night as Fletchs tum gurgled away . He lay on our bed and I think my stroking him soothed him. He  needed to go out at 3:30 . A beautiful moonlight night almost as light as day.( I had hoped to take a photo tonight.. apparently a partial eclipse ..but the clouds have blown over)

By morning his gurgles had stopped and he was sleeping peacefully . Up a bit earlier than usual and he seemed much happier.  

We got to the vets in good time and he had an energetic walk round the block before going in. 
A jab,  antibiotics and tablets for his tum and a  bill for £101 and fingers crossed that he is on the mend .

We had a walk along Channel side before the Tesco shop . Quick blip of him and a rare glimpse of M

Back home and he enjoyed his first meal in 36 hours.. before a long afternoon  sleep .
 Fingers crosed we can get him to eat his tablet  at bedtime.. hidden in a bit of cheese .

A Fletch focussed  blip today... if you haven't got a dog you may not understand how much they get under your skin. 

Thank you for you lovely comments and stars 

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