First I'd like to thank all those lovely blippers and Facebook users who commented on yesterday's blip and send such nice messages. They are much appreciated.
Over the years the hospital routine hasn't changed much, in my experience and I've been in and out since childhood.
There's and early start when the shift comes on, 6ish. Lots of toing and froing , each member of staff with a job to do whilst patients stir and drop off asleep again.
All this eventually quietens down at about 10am. Breakfast and important checks, tests, examinations complete.
Relax and wait for the consultants and doctors to do their rounds.
Mid morning cuppa then lunch, the highlights of the morning. Unfortunately I was decreed NBM, nil by mouth, late morning. My cup of tea and water jug was whipped away and I was left to go hungry until ten past three when the porter took me up to the X-Ray department where to was to have an ultrasound scan.
Ann had come visiting earlier and slipped me a crunchy bar to eat as soon as I was out. I was ravenous by then.
The check was on my gallbladder, yesterday's CT scan had been my pancreas.
Back then to the ward and Ann came up from the cafe staying till visiting time end.
Depending on the scan results, I had a whole raft of blood tests as well, I might get out of this place this weekend, this may just be wishful thinking.
So I'm doing my blip then will settle down to a bit of tennis on my phone, not sure I'll stay awake through it but it is apparently a good match.
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