Unsecure storage

A day in the office, today, which was followed by a trip down to Andrew Porter's storage facility in Adlington, where we stored all of Izzy's stuff when we moved it out of my brother's attic, just before Christmas.

On Saturday, Andrew Porter's staff let Izzy's half-brother, John, empty the storage room, which on the one hand is fair enough: Izzy had asked him to collect her stuff. 

On the other hand, one has to ask oneself why a "secure" storage facility would take bolt cutters to my padlock and allow someone who doesn't even have the same surname as me (he'd showed them his driving licence) take everything away WITHOUT EVEN CALLING ME!

The best I got out of them was that the one person who was on duty on Saturday doesn't work there full-time and shouldn't have allowed John to take everything away. Well, yes.

Anyway, by the time I got back to the Minx's it came down to a choice between getting a swim in and going for a meal together at La Rocca. On the basis that I could swim in the morning (and wouldn't fancy an Italian meal then) we opted to go out for dinner. 

Here is a shot of one of their new side plates.

-9.5 kgs
Reading: 'Plan For Chaos' by John Wyndham.

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