
I took the day off today anticipating a bit more trauma than transpired after yesterday. The work went well, although he only did one side which has made it a bit easier. All I need to do is not play with my stiches, not yawn and not sneeze or blow my nose for the next two weeks. Easy!

As I felt so good I thought it time to audit the corner cupboard. The one where all the jars go. I'm not sure how many bottles of ketchup (various), hot sauce (international) or Thai curry paste the average person needs but I think we're possibly on the high side. I threw away anything with a best before 2015, including one from pre 2012 but the rest should be fine.

While I was up there I also decided to clean the tops of the cupboards and walls. I don't know why.

Home made cauliflower soup for lunch. Yum.

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