Happy Birthday Smiler!

After a few cards to open, Mr W went off to his usual ratchet ball morning armed with cake while Linda and I fussed over Bella who had been really poorly last night. She looked much better in the morning but didn't want her usual morning biscuit corner with me and didn't eat until nearly 11.

But once she had had some breakfast Linda and I took her out for a walk around Standen, a NT property. All 3 of us got terribly muddy.

Mr W was then home before us. Once we got back Linda and I gave him a few gifts. He wasn't impressed initially at the Leatherman multi tool I gave him as he already had a similar one. Well I didn't know that did I, and because I had it engraved, I was unable to return it. He struggles to show gratitude at the best of times. I was a bit upset initially but he thanked me later and said it was an updated version of the one he had and it would be useful to have 2. Shame he didn't say that first!!

Daughter Number 1 then came over to puppy sit so we could go out later. Bella was so happy to see her.

Mr Ws granddaughters then came over with cupcakes and spent an hour drawing and playing mums and dads in Bellas dog bed!

We then met Mr Ws daughters and son in law at the Dukes Head in Copthorne that's recently been refurbished. The food started off well but the service was slow and the pudding disappointing but I had a pleasant surprise when his girls went to pay the bill, handing me back my credit card. I was fully expecting to pay so I didn't have a pudding or starter to keep the cost down!!!!! Well, that will help my waist line I guess!!!

So Happy Birthday Mr W. I hope you like your present next year!!!!

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