Friday Foto

By drmackem

It's Dark but It's Sunshine

The miseducation of.....

A Photo
So given I was nil by mouth most of yesterday and today under house arrest, the Christmas Penguin really wasn't going to be left alone. But those eyes!!.. Could I - you bet!

A Tune
If I'm to keep this thing going for as long as I hope I'll need to listen to some new music. So part of my intention is to post one tune at least per week that is new to me in the last year. So that's music first put out there for listening in the last year (so mostly everything that was released tbh), or not heard by me before the last year (which is a large part of everything else) or heard by me before 12months ago, but I've forgotten I've heard it (which is nigh on everything else) - so not much of a challenge then!

So today I was fancying some soul/R&B and was thinking of Amy....but even I can remember hearing her before last year, so a new voice on the block then,  a bit Amy W, maybe a hint of Lily Allen there too, but actually let her be herself, because that voice is pretty amazing and we're all ourselves and that should always be enough (it's usually when we try and be somebody else the nonsense starts).

She's My Sunshine by Celeste

Penguin rather diminished now but tasted good.

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