Big boy Earl

This morning I went for a walk in the grounds of 'Lauriston Castle' and just look who I met............

…..............Earl, the 19 month old, Great Dane who weighs 12 stone.

OMG! I was sooooo scared of him when I first saw him. I've never seen a dog that big before and I don't think Ann has either.  And his owner said he thought he was still growing.

The first thing I did when I saw him................ was hide behind Ann's legs. …........As if Ann's legs are going to protect me from a 12 stone Great Dane??!!  Ann was a bit scared of him too especially when his owner said he'd crashed into his wife and broken her arm!!!

Anyway, do you know what?............................ Earl was actually a really friendly chap. He just wanted to play. Just like me. Yay! We couldn't play 'chase & capture' like I do with 'Bertie the Beardie', because, let's face it........................ once I'd captured him there was absolutely no way that I was going to be able to pin him down.

So we just played at running around together instead. Earl was pretty speedy and I think if we'd had a race together on a long flat field, Earl might have won the race. But we were racing around trees and what Earl couldn't do; was change direction as quickly as me. We ran and ran for ages until Earls owner said he wasn't going any further because the path was too muddy.

And then Earl got put back on his lead. Boohoo.....................

And I continued my walk on the muddy path and ended up absolutely filthy!!!

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