Who else?

Who else could I blip on my first day back with my red boy after my break away? He is a little stand-offish at the moment, but I'm sure we'll be all pally by his evening walk. Pio, on the other hand, can't get enough of me, and it's not all food oriented. He wants pats and strokes and tickles and loves in general.

Up and at em this morning, breakfast, shower, dog walk, processing some photos from last night's portrait shoot. Then a client came in and bought a gift voucher, followed by going to have a chat with my 'printing and framing' guy about a print I'm doing for another client.

Off to the dentist (via the curtain shop where I bought curtains for my hallway and laundry). Unfortunately, I have a teeny weeny mouth and so the poor dentist really had her work cut out for her. After an hour and a half in the chair, she made the call to leave it there and finish off in two weeks' time. Hoorah! Half a root canal done, half to go. Oh well, wasn't too traumatic; although my mouth feels pretty stretched.

Home to plant some wild flower seeds in my garden and now more photo processing for my website update.

Will leave you to gaze upon my beautiful Cousteau.


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