Recovery vehicle....

A big bang at about 6.45 this evening and there had been a crash right outside our house, demolishing the lamp post, and leaving the car across our drive and half on the pavement. The driver was unhurt but very distraught. We eventually managed to persuade her to come inside to make her calls.

Almost three hours later she was on her way home in a cab belonging to a company we know well. We had tried hard to get her to allow us to take her home. She had very little English but we managed to share photos on our phones and enjoy those together. I had asked her to let me know she was home safely and she did. Long story made very short.

An eventful evening, but it could have been so much worse. A beautiful new Lexus might feel differently....

Pilates was cruel this morning! This afternoon was back to normal and Kathy and I went to Women’s Fellowship.

Posting on Wednesday morning, as workmen are outside replacing the lamp post.

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