Brussel Sprout No 8

Inspired (of course) by Mr Weston's famous pepper. Although unlike the pepper, which ended up being eaten in a salad, this sprout bought for Christmas is past its best and is on its way to the compost bin. Can't believe that it was four years ago that we were all developing and printing our Weston inspired food shots on the HND course. We borrowed one of the 5x4 cameras from college and several of the class came round here to shoot their vegetables during the Christmas break. Changing dark slides in a hastily light-proofed cupboard. And then back at college in the dark room to process the large format negatives - dipping the racks into the chemicals in the dark, while someone stood outside keeping time. Negatives ready, several sessions in the dark room to produce the final prints. and then showing them to the rest of the class. One of the most satisfying reactions I had during the whole of my time in college - Anna's laughter will stay with me for a long time. [The laughter was good - the sort of reaction I had hoped for!] By comparison this sprout is rather tame, but I liked it nonetheless.

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