
By Transitoire

J'ai perdu ma vie...

...pour une heure dans un bus.

Definitely got the wrong bus to get to Caroline's today. Completelywrong direction. Whoops! Not an easily rectifiable mistake either...and completely my own fault! Did get to see quite a lot of Caen by bus that I hadn't seen before! When I finally got to hers, well, what an absolutely lovely afternoon. The time flew by, and before I knew it it was five o'clock and I needed to head home to Skype my mum and get my life in some semblance of an order before heading out again.

So what did we do? We had an awesome lunch, and I tried a cherry syrup drink with water for the first time - and it was actually really really nice! And my new favourite dessert, chocolate mousse with swirls of hard chocolate in it...amazing. It has been ages since I saw Caroline, so we had a lot to catch up on, including Christmas, New Year and the week or so I have been back in France. I think it's the whole positive attitude thing that I've finally mastered, but I feel like I have achieved so much in the little time I have been back! I am not more than excited for the arrival of the baby...about six weeks to go now!! Caroline and Sylvère are going to be such amazing parents, and I just cannot wait to see the baby. After having a very long and detailed discussion of pretty much everything that has happened recently, it was decided we should definitely watch a Alice au pays merveilles (Alice in Wonderland) it was. I had completely forgotten what a weird film it was. The story of a precocious child, who never does as she is told, eats things she should pitted against a crazy Queen with a penchant for the colour red and a tiny King and then it all turns out to be a dream. Well, why not I guess! So lovely to see Caroline, and hopefully will see her again before the baby is born.

After a quick Skype and meal I set out to join everyone at Chez Paulette. So tired today for some reason, so didn't feel like I could properly join in at third to last tram home it was! Oh, and this picture of Laura is taken in Chez Paulette. I really dislike the light in there, very very red...with red lamps as well...hence the rather harsh editing!

It is meant to snow tomorrow. If it snows, I can't get into work...the trams ground to a halt for the smallest of reasons. I don't know whether I want it or not!

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