Mono Monday : Rhymes with “ luck “

As in, I’ll have no “ truck “ with this.
Towards the end of last year, I was surprised to receive a certificate and this badge, marking the fact that I’ve been a member of Mensa for more than thirty years.
I only took the entrance test because Mr. Beewatcher’s seventeen year-old nephew had recently passed it, and although my IQ was high enough to qualify for membership, nephew’s was considerably higher. As I was thirty-nine at the time, I was not amused.
I can’t see myself ever wearing this. Why would I want to wear a badge that effectively says, hey, I can pass intelligence tests !
I’m far prouder of the fact that it’s lying on part of the jumper I’m knitting, and so far I’ve managed to end every row with the same number of stitches as I started.

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