A waste of a day

Do you ever have one of those days where you don't achieve one single thing? We didn't get up until about 8.30am this morning and I only went round the block for my walk because Ann was feeling a bit sleepy. That meant that after we'd both had our breakfast I had to go out for a proper walk. We went to the park for an hour or so. That was fun.

Ann had intended going swimming after that but she couldn't be bothered decided to go late afternoon so that she could do the dance aerobics class after her swim. She tootled off into town for a mooch around the shops for a couple of hours instead. And I had snooze time in my bed. I had to have more snooze time when she came back because she was really tired so she had to lie down for an hour or so?!! And then of course I needed another walk. And by then it was raining and almost dark and my walk wore Ann out again so now she isn't going to swimming or dance aerobics. She's just going to slob about watching soaps tonight and apparently we're both going to have an early night!  

So much for getting into a proper fitness routine for 2020! She says she's definitely going swimming tomorrow. …....................But she's also going out for tea and to the Panto.

…..............So tomorrow for me, will consist of an hours morning walk and then 'home alone' time. And then a couple of hours afternoon walk to tire me out so that I just sleep while Ann's out for tea and at the Panto. On the other hand, if Ann's feeling as tired tomorrow as she does today, all these plans might change.

….................And that's why we've had a very unproductive day.

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