Nollaig na mBan

You may not know it but today is Nollaig na mBan - Women's Little Christmas. Women, having never had the chance to take off their pinnies or stop slaving for the whole of Christmas now do so, leave the kids and the husband to do the chores and head out for a girls' night out! Well that's the theory and originally it must have been quite a treat but as Himself does his fair share of the work at Christmas - and the rest of the year - I won't be out yahooing.

It's also the Feast of the Epiphany (such a mine of information I know)  and should you be passing through the Dingle Peninsula there is a curious well where on this very night the water is said to turn into wine. There is a catch - should you go to watch or partake you may be turned into stone.

Talking of curious wells - there's a a new blog. Some odd twists and turns in this one too.

It was a bright and breezy day after a wild night and I went for a yomp around a headland - the sun and clouds were doing extraordinary things and I took 61 photos of more or less the same thing!  A golden lining though - I think we all need one at the moment. 

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