Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1899. What is a dog?

Arron was super excited today as he got to finally hand over the copy of the book that the amazing Paula Banks wrote and illustrated, called, "What is a dog?" to his nursery.  Paula not only sent a copy for Arron but also a spare one for him to take and present to his nursery.
He was so excited and the nursery were so delighted that they got a copy too.  In fact they have decided that they would like to publish a book written by the children in conjunction with some of the residents of a local care home they visit regularly and that it will be illustrated by the children...what an amazing inspirational idea...and all thanks to this wonderful little book all the way from Canada.
His teacher is going to add a "significant event" note to his file explaining how he was involved in proof reading the book and that he is also acknowledged in it by name...he was so proud of himself.
Of course I couldn't take any photos of the children at this time but I managed to get one of Arron with his Nursery Teacher who was more than happy to pose with the book when he handed it over.  They're going to read it tomorrow with all of the class and Arron is going to tell them how he was involved....
You know...sometimes you meet someone who just has the most beautiful soul and you are in awe of them...Paula...you are that person...so thank you for making my wee grandson the happiest of boys today and for providing him with a story he can tell his children too...

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