Much maligned

Is anyone else a fan of Brussels sprouts ?  

I remember that, during my childhood, after every Christmas meal, either my mum or I would carry the remains of the Brussels sprouts dish into the kitchen as we cleared things away. 

Both of us, however full we were after the turkey and everything else, would polish off the remaining cold delicious treats. We always had lots, and they never lost their allure.

For the last few years, I’ve gone with friends on a bridge holiday over Christmas and, asked the question about “dietary requirements”, my friend Carol and I always write, “extra Brussels sprouts please.”. 

The chef is most obliging.

My blip today is my current stalk, sitting outside my kitchen door, hoping for a sharp frost to add to the deliciousness. 

I will never understand why they are so ridiculed and the object of derision. Maybe, in these vegan times, they will be redefined like cauliflower steaks ?

Did anybody else notice that this year, the stalks were shorter, the sprouts were smaller, and prices had gone up ? 

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