Clessuc Dup

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

You may not know this, but if you mix these two ingredients together, you get a classic Kiwi dip.

I was unaware of this until a couple of months ago when Loulou tried it out on me. "What do you think of this?" she said, excitedly.

"MmmMMMMmmmmm," I said. 

"Oh, you think it is disgusting," said Loulou, who is way more perceptive than I gave her credit for.

So I failed that Kiwi test. But I'm telling you now so that you can try it at home and see what you think.

Today was my first day back at work in 2020. I was kind of dreading it because the Fujitsu team (based in India) did not have Xmas hols and therefore have been beavering away for the past two weeks. I was worried I would come back to work INUNDATED with things to check and respond to.

Errrrr... not so much. I'm not sure what they have been doing for the last two weeks but "feck all" would be my guess. Not that I am complaining, I had a very quiet day. Yay.

Smock, on the other hand, was NOT BEST PLEASED. 

Oh well. I listened to podcasts and thought about films. From my perspective it was actually very productive.


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