This morning started off sunny but I needed to take my daughter to work and Skype before deciding whether to get out for a long walk. I finally decided that I had better. Finish my holiday off right!
Unfortunately, there were humans everywhere...and I mean everywhere. I was seeing people walking through the woods (off path), climbing trees, running around, walking their dogs (a big no no here in this area because of the wildlife), and playing music from their phones. Odd....and annoying.
Thankfully, there are long paths to walk that few people will go on because they actually need to enjoy walking : ) I spent a good three hours walking through the meadows and woods. I wish I would have seen this little sweetie on Tiny Tuesday....but here she is in all her sweetness - Pipsqueak. She is so incredibly tiny and friendly...and makes this little "peep peep" call. Adorable.
Now I am getting ready to head to bed early. Back to work in the morning and it is now snowing outside. Figures :))
Have a great week!
D x
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