Mostly quite mundane

By Anon

Hobson's choice

Oh heck, it's 9 o'clock. Better do my blip. What have we got to choose from ... (no cheating by taking an 'emergency' last minute blip)

1. A shot of a cartoon from Private Eye, taken at breakfast time for a whatsapp message.
2. A crap shot of traffic on the M621 that doesn't actually reveal the hoar frost I was trying to capture on my drive into work.
3. A shot of a road light pole that was meant to be a moody shot of the insipid sun this frozen morning until a van moved alongside & forced a change of angle.
4. A self-portrait in the lift at work that was meant to look intriguing but actually looks rubbish.
5. A whatsapp message shot of my 'scratch' tea, cobbled together at the last minute due to arriving home late after a post-work pint with the boss.

So 3 it is. Sorry about that, creative types.

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