
By BoneShaker

The old with the new

Although its beautiful and frosty out today and the snow is falling outside. I didn't take my camera with me to work today. I knew I was going to be really busy and also Charlie needed the cam to start editing up the shoot we did for polkadots and stardust underwear last night. (What a hardship that was :)

So.... I was thinking about how things have changed. Not that long ago when I did my gcse photography - ok it was 25years ago - my teaching was not so much about taking pictures but the developing of them. Now we use Lightroom or photoshop in much the same way adding excitement and depth into and image. I still dodge and burn all be it with a sweep of the mouse. I don't miss those days. I find digital photography allows me to be more creative and not worry about the uncertanty of the shot the time before I can tell if I got it right or needed to tweak things or the expense.

This is my first blip with my phone. I have not only done this because Charlie is editing but because this shot was taken straight in the tiny camera of my iPhone using hipstermatic. The shot is automatically cool. Beautifully contrasted and smooth bnw.... And I didn't do anything to make it so. On the other hand the camera being shot is a "hawk eye ace" Made by Kodak and was once seen as cutting edge at one time. So this is the old taken with the new. One thing I do miss however is the nostalgic smell of developer on my hands.

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