
Thanks for all the heartfelt and thoughtful discussion yesterday. I hadn't realised quite what I was going to set running with that blip.

For the first time ever I used raw format for today's pictures. I took only seven images, of two different things, so as not to overwhelm myself at the processing stage.

Fail. Overwhelmed. So many variables. What a lot I have to learn. I now have no idea what a good picture is. (I do know that this isn't one, but that's got nothing to do with it being raw.)

I've also been researching compacts today since I'd like to replace my beloved Lumix with the scratched lens. If you have any advice please add to the forum thread I've started.

Rather more happily, I intercepted Richard Donkin while he was in Oxford this afternoon and we had a great time blip-chatting over tea. Thanks for sparing the time, Richard.

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