Hooray for social interaction
I had a new trip to the eye doctor. I need a new prescription. When I went in the optometrist was talking to someone so I occupied myself. One of the employees rushed up to me, hugged me, and thanked me for being “normal!”
She was so glad that, unlike some people, I didn’t rush forward and imperiously state that I had an appointment but instead recognized that the doc was busy and didn’t create a fuss.
I’ve been feeling so frustrated with my limitations that it just felt really fun to be thanked for being normal!
I planted the tree. It was warm and wet today and I’m hopeful for it. I took a picture of it in the ground with decorations to use as my silly blip but then saw this sign on my way to the optometrist. How are we supposed to buy these virtuous bongs with no web site or address???? Thank you admirer :-)
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