POG's Journal


Only 17 more nights this year...

My Day:
Hi Everyone,

Yesterday’s drive to Watford was good, one slight traffic problem due to a serious crash. Thursday night I had only slept for just over 2 hours so was quite tired when I arrived in Watford at 1:40PM… Fortunately they let me check in and I went to sleep immediately until around 6:00. Some dinner around 7:30 then back to the room for some more Zzzz….

Today went well and I passed the course, which was very pleasing and hopefully I can book next week for a course in Sheffield in February.

Easy drive home, again no traffic so all was tickety boo.
On the Bike:
I am keen to get some level of fitness for the training course in Feb so once again jumped on the turbos for another 30 minutes…
The Photo:
The wonderful Premium Inn where I stayed last night… I was thinking to complete the various coaching training I hope to do this year I will need to spend another 17 nights away from home in similar places…
More tomorrow.


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