Little Red Bottle, Aylesford

New Year's Eve/early January has been so uneventful and grey (especially weather wise) that I took no shots whatsoever! I was back in work on the 2nd & 3rd but it was so quiet, with hardly anything to do.
Today the sun reappeared and it transformed everything, which included a table at my local with a little red bottle sitting on it. The bottle just sparkled an amazing ruby red in a beam of light from one of the windows.
This little red bottle also reminded me of the brilliant song by Martin Stephenson & The Daintees. Here are the rather wonderful lyrics below:

A drunk is a man
Who is stronger within
Than many a teetotaller would have you believe
A drunk is a man
Who's nostalgically prone
And that, soldier, to me
Is a good way to be
Who needs faith when there's a bottle
And a bottle gives regular blues
Let your mind escape into the bottle
And rattle there till it brews
In your subconscious sleep there is no laughter
And your heat swims like a shark
Upon your beach, nothing but nostalgia
A little puppy that's lost his bark
In the little red bottle
Is all I believe
My soul has dropped within
And the little red bottle
Is responsible for so many blues
But blues to a song are gold

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