
By janescanlan

A layer of frost

I'd arranged a parcel to be left at my local Post Office this morning. Was it there? Of course not. The very-nice-lady I spoke to on the telephone apologised profusely when she found out it had been sent out for delivery again. Parcel re-arranged for Monday now when I have the day off work.
I had a little stroll in the frost covered park, stopped for a coffee in a cosy cafe in a local hotel taking many pictures as I went.
I took this one on the way home as I liked the lines of colours of the frost on the car.
Then onto work where it had gone tits up a little bit wrong in someone else's department caused by someone else's incompetence and now I have been re-assigned / re-rostered, to fix this mess. On a plus side I am now 9-5 Mon-Fri and no longer on shifts for the foreseeable future.
Damn! I need to re-arrange that parcel again!

More picture from my morning wander can be found here

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