Feeling better

By Suziep71

Hard working spiders eeeew

As you can see the spiders in my garden have been very hard at work.

I've had the day off today and I've been chilling with my dogs which has been lovely.
I kept looking out the window to see if its been snowing but nothing till now. Yes! I can't wait for the weekend so I can get our on it.

I've been photoshopping my friends wedding photos. Removing people, muck and wires from the shots.
I'm really enjoying it I wish that I could do it as a job but it wouldn't pay enough so I will do it as a hobbie.

Jake has been sitting on the sofa arm starring out the window and barking at everyone that he could see. This set Sally off barking even though she didn't know what she was barking at :-)

Spoke to dad he's been given a leaflet on dialysis and even though I'm a nurse I've gone into divvy mode probably as I'm worried about him and I'm worried that I could lose him. Daft I know but hey that's me and you'll get to know that's me as the days, weeks, months go on :-)

Now I'm watching the soaps with my laptop in front of me PS'ing some more.

Good thing that happened today -

Not much but the snow has made me smile :-)

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