
By Cumbrialass

Let sleeping dogs ....sleep?

Fletch had a restless night.. eaten too much ? Our late nights making him too tired?? 
Not sure ..but whatever, he wanted to go out at 2 am....he was out so long I went out to look for him !
Then he woke us again about 4 then again around 7..... 
He wasnt hungry this morning but was happy to have his walk and the sun almost came out . We walked to the Red river.. more a beck than a river then had to turn back as M was expecting ( another ) parcel!

I made sure Fletch got his teatime walk hopefully he will sleep all night tonight. 

At the moment he is having a post supper snooze on the sofa.. which was bought for us but Fletch thinks it's his. It almost seems cruel to wake him to go out for his bedtime wee.... but I really dont want him to wake us during the night...
Its 9 years today that we brought him home as a sweet little puppy..  time flies too quickly when you have a dog.

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