a slight change in perspective

as they say, a change is a good as a vest and, my goodness, we needed our vests today! It was the kind of day when "all the world was full of snow" sounds like an understatement, my feet decide to just stay numb as it's not worth warming up in between and I've scraped the car free of ice so many times that I'm surprised that I haven't scraped the whole car away. In this weather, everything hurts - in my body at least - and I start on a kind of "I wasn't made for this" whimper that will carry on until the weather changes for the better. Added to all that, my car froze along its undercarriage while I was in my French class and after discovering that I could neither brake nor accelerate (just keep going at 30kmph) nor even turn corners properly, I had to park at the side of the road to kick ice out from behind the wheels and rev up the engine a lot so the heat would melt something. Now my numb feet hurt from kicking ice....

Which is all to say...this photo. When the weather warms up and I have finally cleared up this mess I will be planting things in pots and putting a little table and a few chairs here so we can sit and drink coffee in the morning sun....maybe read a bit, look at the distant mountains, enjoy the sun. And, mainly, sun. Not snow. Warm. Yes. I am ready.

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