Another long walk – Morningside to Granton

Today I walked more than 10 miles. I'm 13 months old now so Ann says that because I'm no longer a weeny, teeny, little puppy, I can go on big, long walks. She has lots of plans for walking projects for us in 2020 including walking the 'Fife Coast Path'. However, because it still gets dark really early in the evenings, for the next month or so we'll probably just be walking in the city.

Edinburgh must be the best city in the UK for really good dog walks within the city boundaries.

Today I walked on my lead for a couple of miles and then when we got to Roseburn I was pretty much off my lead for the next 8 miles. From Roseburn we walked all the way along the cycle path to the River Almond. And the good thing about the cycle path today was.................... there were hardly any cyclists on it so I didn't have to go back on my lead. Yay! I met this cute little Westie and we played for ages. And also the cycle path has trees on either side for most of the way and guess what lives in trees?..................... Squirrels!!! I have had to chase loads of squirrels today. Yay!

When we got to the River Almond, the path to Cramond was a bit muddy. I didn't care but Ann was walking in her newly washed trainers. Her newly washed trainers will need to be washed again. Lol!

I think the best bit of the walk though, was when we actually got to the foreshore at Cramond. There were loads of other doggies for me to play with so I 'stole' at least four balls. But do you know what?........................... When Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', and squeaked my squeaky ball, I went racing towards her, dropped the 'stolen' ball and was allowed a few plays with my squeaky ball. Yay!

Walked along Cramond foreshore to the old gasworks at Granton, then jumped on a number 38 bus and came home. I haven't been on a bus for about two months and apparently my behaviour could have been a bit better. I didn't do anything naughty. ...............But I didn't just lie down and go to sleep either. Every time some one got on the bus I strained on my lead because I thought they might want to make friends with me. Usually they did. Which made Ann's job of making me sit down and shut up a lot harder. Apparently we're going to do a lot more walks over the next month which involve me getting on a bus at the end of them. Now that I'm a big grown up little collie pup, Ann wants us to have lots of adventures together, but accordingly to her we can't do that until I learn what is and what is not, appropriate behaviour.

Anyway we've had a lovely day out and are just going to chillax at home this evening.

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