
By Snowyjones


Idyllic day here in Wanaka, one of my most favourite walks ever. Over a mountain, through a forest of manuka trees, along the banks of this river and around to the lake from whence it came. I have never seen so many boats being launched in my life, it truly was the day for hanging out at the lake. I don’t know how anyone can swim in that water though, even on a boiling hot day after walking for 6hrs I could barely keep my toes in. It looks so enticing on a hot day with its colour and clarity as if it has undergone some magical purification process. Indeed I heard tell that it is the much feared sandflies that work their magic on the lakes, not quite sure how they do it but one has to appreciate their efforts there if not their bites.
Part of my walk joined up with Te Araroa trail which stretches from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island but the trampers haven’t quite reached this far South yet. Tramping in New Zealand, thru hiking in America, not sure we have an equivalent in English so I will try and make one up at some point. I can see I am going to need a few distraction tactics for my brain while walking, my internal dialogue is getting very boring.

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