An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Esme and Great Gran...


After the bells we had a go at Kazoo Karaoke but we were offending poor Lola's ears so we turned to the pub quiz book instead.  I won and anyone who says different is a great big fibber.

We finally ran out of steam at 2.45am and headed to bed.  

I think we all slept fairly soundly and finally surfaced just before 11am!

David and Ele took Lola a walk on the moor while Agnes and Adrian emptied the dishwasher and refilled it and made a start on breakfast.  Timed to perfection as David and Ele returned just as we were ready to dish up a full Scottish breakfast.

At this point we still didn't know if Ele and Kenny were going back to his mum's and having dinner with her (if she didn't feel well enough to come to Ele and Kenny's) which would have meant Andrew, Nikki, Esme and Jennifer coming to us for Ne'erday dinner.

After a quick phone call to his mum, Kenny was able to tell us that she felt well enough to come to theirs so Ele messaged the troops to finally confirm that New Year's Day dinner would be at hers!

I loaded all the food for dinner into bags and her and Kenny headed off, with Agnes and Adrian not far behind.  David and I took advantage of the the two hours we had before getting changed and heading to Ele and Kenny's, to relax.  A wee Nana nap was just what we needed :-)

Four-thirty and it was time to get dolled up again and head off to Ele's.  Alan was mega excited as he was going out to the Fire and Light Show at The Kelpies with Kirsten.

Got to Ele's and I have to say, having hosted New Year's Day dinner for a few years, it was rather nice to sit it out :-))

Ishbel was looking well, despite not having been feeling well, and it was so lovely to see Esme sitting on her knee while Ishbel sang to her.  Ninety years separate them.  I just wish I had taken my camera.

Dinner was delicious.  Our local butcher makes the best steak pies.  We were all happy campers after dinner, especially me as I got lovely cuddles from Esme.  Her wee cheeks are bright red as her molars are coming in.

We all sat and watched the end of Grease...all of us able to say the lines before they were spoken on screen, and singing the songs.

Back home and in bed before midnight knowing we didn't have to set an alarm for the morning.  Bliss :-))

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