Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

It's Still a Holiday Here!

That's one of my excuses for having done very little today. Holidays don't really apply to the retired, do they?

My best excuse is lack of sleep ... Last night, around midnight, as I was walking round the bed, about to lay me down, I put my feet into a very squelchy swamp - not what I was expecting, not nice at all!

A couple of days ago a gas engineer fixed a very small leak from the bedroom radiator. All was well, till at some point yesterday evening it must have started to dribble out water at a rather alarming rate. The wet patch was about a metre square, and it took two large bath towels to staunch it while TM hastily turned off the heating and did something to it stop the flow.  He then rang Scottish Gas. To our amazement - it was midnight, and New Year - a real person answered, and said someone would be round first thing.

Stepping in a cold puddle in bare feet, followed by energetic mopping and then making up a bed in the spare room, meant that sleep eluded me till about 4 am, and I was up before 8 just in case the Gas Man had us first on his list.  

He showed up at 9 and fixed the problem - but then he realised something else was wrong. It turned out the pump, at the other end of the house was not just leaking but spewing out mucky water all over the boiler cupboard. So he fixed that too.  Just a coincidence he said, but I wonder.  The plumbing in this house seems to be jinxed ...

I'm just about to start my Christmas thank-you letters. The blip is my present from my old friend C. I think I'll just sit and look at the lovely pictures, and think of summer days ahead.

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