
By scribbler

Something fishy

Fishing you a Happy New Year!

Aquarium pictures, however, are not a happy sign. 
The only time I take them is when I'm at the medical clinic. 
I've been struck by a nasty virus. They sent me home with two medications that are mainly for comfort, not cure. 

Since I live alone, there's no one to feel sorry for me, so I have to do it for myself. Poor scribbler! 

From my 2005 poem "Out Sick":

“Only a cold” is much too forgiving
of this bleak enterprise.
What are these brittle
flakes in the corners of my eyes?
Why is my nose red?
How did I gain all this weight?
Every day a bit weaker.

Too sick to scribble. Too sick to swim. Too sick to blip. Too sick to keep a date. Too sick to go to church. Too sick!!!

See you in 2020. Be well!

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