
A lame picture to start the year but I didn't think about it until late at night so it was a picture of a picture in my toilet. Oh well. At least I didn't make a photo related new year's resolution. 

A lovely run up and over Cliffe this morning to kick start my 'run every day' January challenge. I always love a nice hilly, trail run even if I am usually too lazy to drive anywhere. 

This afternoon we went to see Cats at the cinema, which the neighbours and I all wanted to see, despite its terrible reviews. It was delightful. Weird, but delightful. 

So, here's to 2020. I haven't set any goals yet, which is unusual for me. I guess I just want to carry on with the things I've been working on over the last few years: becoming a better friend, a better leader and a better follower of Jesus. Book target remains 50 and running goals are yet to be decided!

And maybe I should do a bit more travel and add to the pictures in the loo!

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