If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


ArcaneSpark is like her Mum cat daft.   A year ago two new kittens entered their lives.   This is Ghost, strange name but when you have a 5 & 7 year old involved in the naming anything can happen.  Like all cats he will sit anywhere, generally the most inconvenient spot as here, the Scaletrix box.

Today we are heading home to pack and join ArcaneSpark and family, along with Katkatkat & G for a few days at Centre Parcs, Whinfell.  This had been kept secret from the children but not unfortunately Clickychick.  It was supposed to be a surprise for us as well but CP themselves let the cat out of the bag.  Within minutes of the girls booking back in the autumn because they had her email from previous visits they had emailed her, saying "Your going to Center Parcs book your activities".  Naughty!

The secret was broken to the kids by the means of a treasure hunt round the house.  CC being official photographer joined in the fun tearing round the house after the kids.  I knew they visited the room I was in at least twice so stayed put!  The Extra is D & E reading some of the clues.

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