Meanwhile on the deck.......

The Bossess and Boss were suffering a tad from yesterdays adventure and they had plans of adding some “Garden Interest” to the Apartment deck so it was the plan to visit as many places in Welli that sold pots’ n stuff..AND they did.
The Bat Mobile’s (EGolf) navigation system was invaluable and they had a fun time but arrived back to find a confrontation in progress with the dogs. 
Clifton and Maigold were sniffing out the new arrivals but there was no harm done as the new arrivals had not been filled with salt and pepper...Right? 
As you can see it was a grey day and the Ausi fires have, for the moment, gone from Wellington skies but further North it was very predominant and across the Tasman the situation is nothing short of a total disaster.
Our Ausi Rellies are heading home to a town  already partially evacuated but as yet untouched. Our every thought is with them.

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