After a quick breakfast it was house zapping time ready for guests this evening. The day went so quickly.
The Rev and O went out to the cinema and M and I took on PROJECT DECORATE...she blew up the 13 letters, I set up the tables for 16 idea how we are going to squeeze in really..... then with some candles, table balloons and confetti all was ready for...
# These 2 birthday boys...The Rev’s 60th and J’s 28th...The have a very special bond as they share a birthday and a kidney!! The Rev was surprised J&K and his brother and S-I-L had come to share the celebrations
# after a delicious meal if I say do myself...rib of beef, pork & veg.....the Rev and J had a dramatic candle on the cake.
# this is the tasted good but looked like a nursery child’s piece of art!!!!
# the desserts; supplied by guests, were yummy. Then it was our usual silly games session when the boys cheated and cheated!!!
# After a countdown to midnight, a round of Auld Lang Syne we headed out for a very Reverend Firework Display.
A fabulous evening and a great way to finish off the celebrations.
His brother and sister-in - law were the last ones to leave at 2:30!!

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