
My stomach was giving me jip so I decided to walk Oscar round the village and then in the afternoon take him for a longer walk. Well I bumped into so many people! The Exile, Brummie Girl, The Angel,  The Artist and The Nurse! By the time I got to the road leading to my house Oscar was still being lively so I decided to take him into the woods and let him off his lead. Well the short sojourn into the woods turned into a proper walk! I was out 2 hours in all! I bumped into the Smallholders who have dogs, sheep and goats and discovered he was off to the Bahamas, his wife was staying home to look after the animals, then in the autumn she would go walking in the Himalayas! Apparently they do this every year!
Once home I started to mix the sourdough which I'd fed the previous evening. Had some lunch, did 4 loads of washing ( I like to start the year with everything clean and tidy!) and then Nellie of The woods called in on the way to a party! By this time my stomach had bloated so much it looked like I had a football under my trousers! I'd bought some fizz and prawn snacks but really didn't feel I could add anything more into my stomach so sat down to watch the last episode of His Dark materials and do some knitting! Come 11 I felt peckish so had my fizz and snacks and my own indoor fireworks with some fir cones coated in copper sulphate that I'd bought. They were called Northern lights and were very pretty! By this time it was midnight! I wished Oscar a Happy New Year and we went to bed! 
Hope you spent the eve as you liked and I wish you Health, Hope and Happiness in the New Year and the New Decade! x

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