
I have a feeling this snowflake won't be on its lonesome tomorrow.

Fingers crossed my meeting tomorrow is cancelled - please snow early if you're going to snow at all!

I'm working from home today and have just lit a fire in the snug - plus two cocker spaniels are acting as feet warmers

Not much to report - a trip to the dental hygienist and the olde worlde sweet shop has been the highlight. Oh, actually, no, the highlight has been the Amazon delivery.......sigh, books make me happy :)

Just over three weeks until our first book club meeting.....we have chosen the name and I've ordered gifts for all the people who are coming to the first week. We've chosen the first month's book which will be The Color Purple - the first meeting is a getting to know each other and telling everyone the first book choice. We are then planning to get everyone to choose a book and it goes in a pot and we choose every three months.......sounds organised doesn't it! Fingers crossed!

Right, back to work :)

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