Food Parcels for the needy.

Thanks to my brother and also one of my stepdaughters the emergency rations made it through. A little Christmas Cake, an equally small Christmas Pudding AND a supply of Tayto Crisps. I reckoned that the Finnish equivalent was pretty good but on tasting Tayto again for the first time in over two years I have realized that they really are the best crisp in the universe. Anyway, half the provisions eaten at Christmas and the other half lined up for tonight just to help the New Year to ease its way in.
The answer to yesterday's quiz.... the badge is that of the Owen Racing Motors Association, the official fan club of the British Formula One team, BRM. Winners of the World Championship in 1962 with Graham Hill and Ritchie Ginther at the wheels of the two team cars. That of course was Hill's first F1 Championships. Ginther, who died at a mere 59 of a heart attack, drove for and gave Honda their first ever F1 race win. The "0" on the badge stands for Sir Alfred Owen of the Rubery Owen engineering company. Owen was the biggest sponsor of the BRM team in the early 60's. Congratulations to Dave Gilfoyle on Facebook who guessed correctly the connection to Owen and even bigger congrats to our Blip friend Talpa who got the whole title correct without divulging the BRM link.
Finally, to every one of you, may I wish you a very happy and peaceful New Year full of the very things you would wish for yourselves.

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