Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

Woolf after bear*

it had been a while
i wanted to reread this
and others by her

Woolf has been a favourite authoress of mine for more than fifteen years. I knew of her before, but what prompted me to read her was a film and the novel it was adapted from: The Hours. The first part of the novel and the film is a modern-day adaptation or Mrs Dalloway, the second part tells of Virginia Woolf's last days and the third and last part depicts a very peculiar day in the life of a housewife in America's suburbia, a striking parallel with the premise of Mrs Dalloway...

I have reread Mrs Dalloway multiple times since that first experience of it. I had only read To The Lighthouse once...

* The bear refers to the book I blipped a few days back.

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