Green Cross

Only days later was I to find out the significance of these Green Crosses that have been popping up on agricultural fields around the area.

They turn out to be a symbol meant to show the death of farming caused by the environmentalist lobby and has become their "flag-bearer" for a series of demonstrations ibn coming months. My views on this misguided movement is written here.

The German Green Cross - Deutsches Grüne Kreuz - name and symbol is used by Germany's oldest society for the promotion of health issues, a non-political body founded in 1948.

Also: "Green Cross International is an environmentalist organization founded by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993, building upon the work started by the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The initial concept envisaged an international body to provide assistance to countries in ecological trouble" Wiki.

All of this makes strengthens my feelings on the stupidity of this typical populist movement being used by some farmers - blame others. They will harm themselves more than they know.

Just minutes before taking this photo I had taken some quite good ones of a farmer ploughing a field. I think it may have ever been the farmer who owns the barn where this cross is placed! I like him. Perhaps I need to seek a conversation and hear his side of the story!

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